Bunny the Ape. The beginning.

Bunny the APE
8 min readJun 10, 2021


Hello there. My name is Bunny. Yes… you don’t need to hold your laughter. I used to it. I am Ape with the name Bunny. You know what? I am proud of that name! Not only I am The first Ape to get to the moon, but I am also about to embark on my forth epic adventure! I will be the first Ape that will go all the way to Neptune! What I … We hope to find there? I honestly not sure anymore. Nowadays, I just go with the flow. I managed to get to the Moon…to the Mars and now I am writing this sitting in our forward base at the IO. How did I get here? Well… let me tell you a story

I was born on Earth.. like any other Ape. In a small town Readit. What there to read? No one knows!

One of the version is that the founders made a set of rules, which everyone had to follow when they enter the town. They put those rules into a book that sat on a table at the entry and mounted a big sign, which was painted with humongous red letters. READ IT! With time, the book was moved into the town council, but no one bothered to move the sign, since it was that big.
That would lead you to believe that people at Readit are a lazy bunch. But you are absolutely wrong. Actually, it is impossible to be more wrong than that. They are the most coordinated and organised group of people. Those apes could achieve anything! Obviously, I didn’t know that when I was living there. I was rather an odd ape in the town. You will see.

The Apes in Readit town are helping each other in everything they do. One day, the apes started to help each other in helping…each other…So no one did anything that day. That how a town council been formed. It’s only duty to control and direct the apes.

The usual day of Readit apes begins when droplets of water start to form on the grass and ends with air soaked in the delicious smell of today’s harvest-feast. Our blackberry pies with clover on top are known across the whole ape nation! Oh… brother, you couldn’t wish for more!

Anyway…back to my story.

It was the usual morning in Readit town, all apes were in a great hurry to reach the fields and start the working day. Why the hurry? Because, the sooner you get there, the more berries you will collect! Me? I was blissfully sleeping, trying to escape the annoying sun rays.

— Banny! Wake up! Gime will be angry at YOU!

— Ah… wha…who? (I tried to open lead-heavy eyelids.)

— GIME! He is already at the field! You told him yesterday that you will be there to harvest the barries with us! You promised to be there before anyone!

— G who? (first sunray managed to reach my left retina…)

— Our mayor! You lazy ape!

— Chamomile is that you?

— Who else?! Now, common open this bloody door, or I promise I will smash it open!

— Pfffff, You can’t…even if you try

The door started to creak and moan…Chamomile or Calmy for short is a very sweet Ape.. She always been watching out for me. She is that type of ape who pushes you to be better, without any apparent reason.

The door should hold for long enough to give me time to find my shorts. I love to sleep naked. Understandably, I didn’t want Calmy to catch me in my birthday suit and see my…Green Candle if you know that I mean…

The door started to plea for forgiveness. If it could speak, it would try to ask what it did in its life to deserve such treatment. Perhaps it could quarrel with its aggressor, and come to a mutually satisfying agreement?

— Why am I even resisting? (thought the door and smashed open)

AHA! (Proclaimed Calmy with triumph and excitement in her eyes)


— Why are you trying to cover your shorts? (I clearly heard disappointment in her voice)

I sheepishly padded my waist and who would have thought? The shorts were on me all along.

She just grabbed my hand and started to pull.

— Caaalmy, wait… I didn’t eat my breakfast! (I tried to resist)

— Good, because it is already lunchtime! You will eat at the fields, like every other ape!

The most exciting thing which happed to us on the way to the fields was when a rolling tumbleweed stopped on our path. Perhaps, it didn’t expect anyone to be in the town square at this time and it was caught off guard by us.

In the distance, you could hear a chorus of apes singing

When the sun rises

We wake up and chase our dreams

Apes won’t regret when the sun sets

Cause We live our lives like we are a single beast

We are the BEAST

The chorus stopped mid-sentence when we turned up.

Amid the crowd, a head in a tall hat appeared. I felt heavy, angry steps by my feet. The kinds of step which makes you sweat and fidget with your hands.

— You are late ..again.. Oh…Who am talking to. Of cause you are late. You are always late.

— But Gime (I tried to squeeze a word in)

— Shush! Look we are, are almost done, just a few more berries and we will be going back to the town! (His monocle was barely holding the pressure of his eyebrow )

— But you not quite finished, are you?

— You are correct, but you won’t do much of an impact on today’s harvest now, would you?

— Listen, Gime, I promise I will be able to find the biggest berry out there…A berry of all berries…! It will feed you all for weeks and you won’t have to work!

For some reason…the air got filled with laughter.

— Listen Bunny.. — patronised me Gime — We used to you turning up for work at the end of the harvesting shift…Calmy here is the only ape who didn’t give up on you, yet….

— And I won’t! I told you he will turn up before we finish, and here he is! (proclaimed red-faced Calmy)

— Ye…Thank you for your input Calmy…..Where was I …Ah. Yes. Bunny..Could you… at least for Calmy… try not to make promises which you can’t fulfil?

— I will go into the forest instead of your..-I tried to say

— Oh.. just stop, You always promise something, and never deliver it!

— I will find the biggest berry or I won’t return to the town! (I proclaimed shoving him out of my way )

— That is two false promises in one! We got a bargain Guys!! (said someone from the crowd…everyone just started to laugh)

— You will see!!!

I rushed through them! Calmy attempted to catch my hand...but, I could not bear it anymore. Where was I going? I don’t know.. to the forest, beyond our fields. Maybe there, I will find a berry, which was able to grow untouched?

When I got to the hill, I could still clearly hear the giggling. That got me angry… really angry.. Do you know that? Nothing is more dangerous than an angry ape with a goal! Will I find the berry? Well, I will try.

I got to the forest after meeting few more tumbleweeds, which possibly came to see that all that noise was about.

— Oh… let’s find that berry! Let’s show them what the Bunny could do! ( I tried to pump myself up. For some bazar reason it didn’t work )

After a couple of hours, the sun disappeared and the darkness wrapped the forest. Frost started to cover tree leaves and my breath was obstructing my vision.

— Hey berry-berry..You can’t hide from me for long!

What? Ye… tell me that when you were searching for your keys for hours, you didn’t start to call for them! Shut up!

I was tirelessly looking under each bush ..under each tree. The moon helpfully appears on the horizon.

— At least you are here Moon. You have always been there when I needed you…

The moon just shined brightly in response

My inner fire started to give in to the frost. That was noticed by my stomach and it importunately warbled. Something strange happened. I felt a sharp pain in my head and shortly after something warm dribbled to my bare back. I stumbled to my knees…rolled on my back and ..the last thing I do remember is the glowing Moon in the sky..oh..that beautiful moon…

— One day, I will get close to you and give you one bear hug…

— Waaaaakkkee upppppp Bunny, waaaaaakkkkeee uppppp

— How about a kiss… (I mumbled with extremely dry lips)

Something very warm touched my chick… I promptly opened my surprised eyes! Am I dreaming? Calmy finally made a move, after all that time!? I just flew out of bed!

Gime!? what on earth!? (I yelped)

— I could do even more for what you have found last night! Look it is a rock!

— A rock?! Remind me not to pick up any rocks around you

— Oh shut up! Look! It is a rock from a moon! Professor Starius just confirmed it a few minutes ago. Ghm.. Can you cover your candle Bunny? Calmy could return to the med bay at any moment. You know, she spent all night by your bed . I just managed to get her to eat some food.

— From the moon?

— Indeed! Do you know what? It has a big letter H on it! There is life on the moon! I was telling it for years! I think someone tried to send us a message! Perhaps a Hello! A short message….But maybe it just got burned in the atmosphere! Oh, don’t stare at me, cover your starkness!

I snatched the rock from gime’s hand.. and ye.. I could see an H on it..and maybe a beginning of an E…D?

